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1 h
45 British pounds

Service Description

化妆是一种对美和对生活的态度,是女性必学功课之一,又称纠正学。 MM beauty 小漫(Mikah)针对每个人的肖像,一对一的教学。 你可以选择其中一项单独学习,也可以选择让小漫老师为你亲自设计。 选择内容包含:基础打底,高级打底,普通遮瑕,颜色遮瑕,修眉,画眉,双眼皮贴法,简单眼影的不同画法,高级眼影的不同画法眼线,高光阴影,嘴唇的不同画法。

Cancellation Policy

As a courtesy, please remember to contact us as soon as you know that you will be unable to make your scheduled appointment and we'd be happy to rebook it for you. Our employees depend on you to respect their availability, please make every effort to arrive for your scheduled time. In Addition, according to the traveling and products we prepared before working, services that we reserve the option to administer a cancellation fee or up to 30% fee for cancellations. We request that you provide us with 24 hours' notice of rescheduling the appointment. Thank you for respecting our staff.

Contact Details

  • Firsby Road, Quinton, Birmingham B32 2QT, UK


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