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Free Consultation 免费咨询

30 min
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Service Description

Semi permanent makeup is the process of inserting hypo-allergenic pigments into the dermal layers of the skin. This then creates a shadow of colour. Normorrly it is last up 1-3 years, it depends the type of skin, the process of metabolism, and type of the needle and products. Who are suit for semi permanent makeup? 1, sparse and light color eyebrow 2, narrow or scattered eyebrow 3, who dissatisfied her own eyebrows 4, Because of failed surgery, laser, etc, who want to change the appearance 5, No time for makeup 6,Eye modification not only makes your eyes big and round, but also makes them look better and shinny 7, Lip modification is especially suitable for whose with unclear outline and incongruous proportions, white, dark, purple, often desquamated, and busy working life and often applying lipstick 8, People who have a certain pursuit of beauty. Who are not suit for Semi permanent makeup? 1,Breastfeeding/pregrency /period time 2,highly heart /highly blood disease 3,highly scar constitution 4,new cut on eyebrow 5,highly allergic 半永久化妆是基于皮肤科学,在皮肤表皮层进行美妆。 在表皮层中也是在最下端部的基底层进行美妆,所以表皮层的皮肤细胞随着新陈代谢1-3年后颜色就会慢慢消失,这就是不同于在皮肤真皮层深处进行施术的纹身的新概念美容技术。 半永久定妆术适合哪些人群? 1,眉毛稀疏,颜色浅淡者 2,眉形过窄或者过于散乱者 3,不满意自己的眉形者 4,眉部缺损,有疤痕,手术,激光等失败的眉形 5,没有时间化妆者 6,眼部修饰不仅可以让眼睛大又圆润,还会更有神采 7,唇部修饰特别适合唇部轮廓不清晰,比例不协调,唇色发白,发暗,发紫,经常脱皮干燥,及工作繁忙应酬较多和经常涂唇膏的人 8,对美有一定追求的人。 半永久定妆术不适合的人群? 1,哺乳期/怀孕/经期的女性不可以做半永久 2,严重的心脏病,高血压患者 3,高度疤痕体质者 4,眉部有外伤者 5,高度过敏体质者

Cancellation Policy

As a courtesy, please remember to contact us as soon as you know that you will be unable to make your scheduled appointment and we'd be happy to rebook it for you. Our employees depend on you to respect their availability, please make every effort to arrive for your scheduled time. In Addition, according to the traveling and products we prepared before working, services that we reserve the option to administer a cancellation fee or up to 30% fee for cancellations. We request that you provide us with 24 hours' notice of rescheduling the appointment. Thank you for respecting our staff.

Contact Details


Firsby Road, Quinton, Birmingham B32 2QT, UK

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