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Hairline Simulation 发际线加密

3 hr 30 min
From £260

Service Description

半永久纹发际线,是在发际线周围存在毛发脱落的部位,使用和发色相近的色素,仿照头发生长的样子及方向,纹绣发际线的半永久化妆技术。 哪些人需要纹发际线? 1.额头部分余发少,头发浅,额头模样看起来太宽或者头发太少 2.职业要求总是将头发梳到后面的人(空中小姐、舞蹈演员、秘书等) 3.化妆时使用眼影黑色在额头M字部位的人 4.考虑过头发移植但是又害怕不敢做的人 5.在恋爱或要结婚但是因头发少而担忧的人 半永久纹发际线主要针对发际线稀疏,M字发型,发际线深浅不一,通过发际线半永久化妆后,不但能让发际线变得自然美观,变换任何发型都随心所欲,而且还能达到缩小脸型的视觉效果。

Cancellation Policy

As a courtesy, please remember to contact us as soon as you know that you will be unable to make your scheduled appointment and we'd be happy to rebook it for you. Our employees depend on you to respect their availability, please make every effort to arrive for your scheduled time. In Addition, according to the traveling and products we prepared before working, services that we reserve the option to administer a cancellation fee or up to 30% fee for cancellations. We request that you provide us with 24 hours' notice of rescheduling the appointment. Thank you for respecting our staff.

Contact Details

  • Firsby Road, Quinton, Birmingham B32 2QT, UK


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