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Nature Bush Brows 野生眉

4 hr 30 min
460 British pounds

Service Description

It lasts 2-3 years, it is not scary and painful as a regular tattoo. We will apply numbing cream on your application area, it won't have inbreathing pain. Nature Bush is a natural fashion form, it suits itself is more dense eyebrows. 野生眉是自然妆容的一种展现形式,它清纯原生,时尚感十足,男女通杀,野生眉不同于其他眉毛,让人感觉妆感很轻,很自然不死板,适用于本身就比较茂密的眉毛,只需要稍微修眉,就可以达到很好的效果。

Cancellation Policy

As a courtesy, please remember to contact us as soon as you know that you will be unable to make your scheduled appointment and we'd be happy to rebook it for you. Our employees depend on you to respect their availability, please make every effort to arrive for your scheduled time. In Addition, according to the traveling and products we prepared before working, services that we reserve the option to administer a cancellation fee or up to 30% fee for cancellations. We request that you provide us with 24 hours' notice of rescheduling the appointment. Thank you for respecting our staff.

Contact Details

  • Firsby Road, Quinton, Birmingham B32 2QT, UK


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